Get your business involved
Patron Package

1x ticket for a Hampshire FA Foundation event with hospitality.
Individual Patron listing on the Hampshire FA Foundation website.
Individual mention on all Hampshire FA Foundation video credits as a Patron.
Name included on ‘thank you’ graphic and shared across Hampshire FA’s social media platforms.
The price for this commercial opportunity is £75.00 +VAT per season.
Commercial Bundle

2 Tickets to a Hampshire FA Foundation networking event with hospitality.
Hyperlinked company logo on the Hampshire FA Foundation homepage.
Company logo and mention on all Hampshire FA Foundation video credits.
Company logo included on ‘thank you’ graphic shared across Hampshire FA’s social media platforms.
The price for this commercial opportunity is £125.00 +VAT per season.
Matchday Experience Sponsor

5 Tickets for the event with hospitality for the sponsored event.
Company banners erected at the event.
Promotional material advertised at the event on all tables.
Company hyperlinked comms circulated to all attendees pre-event.
Company logo featured on all social and promotional materials specific to the event.
Company article and cover image on the Hampshire FA Foundation website advertising event and sponsor.
‘Thank you’ certificate produced for company outlining funds raised for the event to evidence CSR work.
The price for this commercial opportunity is £500.00 +VAT per event.